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Monday, June 2, 2014

Hunting for collectible is better in person

Back in the old days, meaning the 1980's, hunting for comic books and collectibles was limited to local conventions, usually in school gyms or VFW halls and comic shops. There was no Internet  to make the search for Crisis #7 as easy as clicking a button.
You actually had to search for the items you wanted. Added to this, you didn't even know some of the new items coming out unless you bought one of the fan published magazines/papers. It was real hunting. There was a search, sometimes it lasted for months, even years. Yes, years to find that missing issue or figure. Oh the Superpowers were a thorn in many collectors side. But when you found that Holy Grail, it was such an accomplishment. An old man dressed as a knight would come out and tell you "you have chosen wisely".
I do pick up items on eBay, hey I am not a Neanderthal but I still enjoy the thrill of the hunt at shows.  These modern day shows aren't in school gyms or VFW halls but in much bigger forests. It still feels good to find that missing piece and I still hear the old knights voice.

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