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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Special Edition :NYC- TheSilver Age Edition

In this final installment of our review of the successful hunt at Special Edition: NYC we take a look at the more expensive Silver Age comics that were hunted down. If you attended the convention you are well aware that the show contained many dealers that carried Silver Age comic by the bundle.

Many of the vendors had 1/2 off on all Silver Age issues, which is a great savings for those of us that collect Silver Age issues.

The hunt netted us  5 Silver Age Flash issues, I am a trying to complete a full run of the original Barry Allen Flash.  I need only 40 more to finish the long hunt.

The Flash #140 (paid $7.50) - Flash battles Captain Cold and Heat Wave. Flash wins.

The Flash #165($10) -Professor Zoom tries to ruin Barry Allen and Iris Wests guest it Flash wins.

The Flash #169 ($5) - 80 page giant, reselling of earlier Flash stories. He wins them all.

The Flash #190 ($5) - Flash battles the Muscle Man Mob and donates to the Flash Museum. Oh yeah he wins.

The Flash #195 ($7)- Captain Cold and Heat Wave battle each other then the Flash. Yet again the Flash wins.

One of the best things about good comic book conventions in general is they have a lot of Golden and Silver age comics at reasonable prices, they had a Flash 105 for $800. These older issues are much rarer then newer issues. They make for a good hunt and are always fun to look at.

Good luck on your hunt.

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