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Friday, June 20, 2014

'Twas the night before comic con

'Twas the night before comic con and all were filled with glee.
The fanboys were excited thinking of Stan Lee.
The wants lists were printed, with issues so rare.
The hope was Wil Wheaton would surely be there.

The cosplayers were dressed with breastplates engraved,
while collectors were ready with money they saved;
And Trekkies in their red, while troopers in white,
Both started arguing it was time for a fight.

When out in the hall there was such a cheer,
We all started running Joss Whedon was here;
Away to the panel to hear about Ultron,

This time Quicksilver is Aaron Taylor-Johnson;

He spoke not a word, he was Kick-Ass after all,
Then out from the side all 6 feet tall,
It was Chris Hemsworth carrying the hammer of Thor,
None of the us fans could take anymore;

So back to the floor we all went to hunt for our treasure,
We do it for fun, for profit or pleasure,
This day was going to be out of sight
"Happy Convetion to all and to all a good-night!"

Enjoy your convention, try to have fun.

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