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Monday, July 14, 2014

Comic Shop Review - Dreamscape Comics, Bethlehem

When you first enter Dreamscape it is a bit overwhelming, there are stacks and stacks of comics and magazines. Everywhere you look there are boxes upon boxes of comics and they are on top of other boxes. Hopefully you are getting the picture, a little bit of a mess. I spoke with the woman working and the shop is going out of business soon, so they have begun to clear out inventory. Everything was 40% off.

So what did I think of this place? If you can get past the cluttered mess, there is a organization to the madness and if you have some time to look through everything it is worth the trip there. I am assuming that the store has been around a very long time because some of the inventory goes way back.

Dreamscape reminded me of the comic shop, County Coin, that I frequented when I was younger. Same smell, same organization. I  have always enjoyed the old style comic shops, they are like mom and pop stores.

Comics- Dreamscape had a very large selection of back issues dating back to the 1970's. If you have time to go through all the boxes and piles of comics on the floor I am pretty sure your hunt will yield some comic book gold.

Toys- Plenty of old toys throughout the store, I found a box of the DC Who's Who mini scenes. Also had a very interesting Funko Aquaman Bobblehead, along with a punch of  pieces from other action figure lines of the last ten years or so. Picked up some older toys while we were there. Older toys are not that easy to find, most comic shops have not been around long enough to have any.

Other Stuff- Dreamscape had a lot of old magazines, finding these comic book and collecting based magazines are really hard to get these days as many of them have gone out of business over the years. We still by them for research purposes and they are fun to read. So while we were there bought a couple of old Lee's Action Figure News and Toy Review dating back from 2000. Another sign o how long the store has been around.

Comic Shop Grade - B   

If you have the time and some cash to spend it is worth a visit but do it before end of the summer as they are closing their doors. Hopefully someone will come along and take over the shop as we no longer have enough of these types of Comic Shops around anymore.
Overall a good place to hunt for buried treasure, I really mean buried. Plus there are deals to be found.

Good luck on your hunt! And don't forget support your local comic shops.

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