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Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July - Batman #18

In celebration of the 4th of July we present Batman #18. Why you may ask did we pick Batman #18? Simple because the cover mentions the 4th of July and it shows a large firecracker taking out Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito.

Released in 1943 the cover also promotes war bonds and stamps. As we mentioned in previous post involving comic history, comic books played a large part in the push to sell war bonds to help pay for World War II.

About Batman #18, cover price was .10, issue is 60 pages long and includes 4 stories.
Cover art by Ed Kressey, Dick Sprang, and Stan Kaye
The Secret of Hunter's Inn! starring Batman and Robin, script by Joe Samachson, art by Jerry Robinson (signed as Bob Kane). 
Robin Studies His Lessons! starring Batman, script by Joe Samachson, pencils by Bob Kane, inks by Jerry Robinson. 
The Good Samaritan Cops starring Batman and Robin, script by Bill Finger, pencils by Jack Burnley (signed as Bob Kane), inks by Jack Burnley (signed as Bob Kane) and Ray Burnley. 
The Crime Surgeon! starring Batman and Robin, script by Bill Finger, pencils by Bob Kane, inks by Jerry Robinson. 

If you would like to add this historic issue to your collection to help celebrate the 4th, it's going to run you about $6,400. 
Let your search begin.

Good Luck on your Hunt!

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