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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hunting at a Convention- give ya what you need

One of the best places to find that special piece you have been hunting for is at a comic convention.
Tons of vendors in one place with more tons of stuff to purchase.
In order to make the most of a hunt at a convention you should follow some simple guidelines.

🔹Have an idea what you want to buy? Search for that item but don't buy it at the first vendor you see it. Look around, remember there are tons of vendors. Compare prices and condition. Exception: if you find that expensive comic you have been looking for or $5 buy it. Yes this has happened to me and there is no greater feeling on a hunt.

🔸Take the time to look around. You will probably find something you didn't even know existed. Don't just focus on the things you want.

🔹If your a gatherer bring your want list with you. Two reasons for this, one you'll find a lot of the stuff on your list at the convention. Two if it isn't at the convention a vendor may have it in their inventory, ASK.

🔸Haggle, haggle, haggle! There are deals to be made at a comic convention, be the one to make them. Vendors want to sell, the more you buy from them the better the deals that can be had.

🔹Last tip for today, bring something to carry all your treasures in and make sure it is big enough to carry what you buy. If you buy comics different bag then buying art or action figures. Think about it, you don't want anything getting ruined.

As always good luck on your hunt.

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