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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Surviving and Striving at a Comic Con - 10 suggestions to guide your con experience.

Going to a comic convention can be a memorable experience. It is overwhelming at times but rewarding for true Comic Hunters.
I attend between 3-5 major conventions each year. Here is a quick guide with some 10 suggestions to help you get though the day, finding all the treasures you are hunting.

1) Plan ahead of time. If there are specific things you want to see map it out before you get there. If there are exclusives guyot want plan a route, if you want a sketch from your favorite artists figure out how to see all of them in the quickest time. MAPS ARE YOUR FRIEND!

2) Get there early, especially if you want to attend any panels. Get in get your ticket and get going on your hunting time. Panels fill up, get those tickets right away. Refer to #1 to get you where you have to o quicker.

3) Wear Sneakers and comfortable clothing. Cons are a lot of work becaus there is so much to do and so little time.

4) Bring a bag, any bag. Backpack, shoulder bag, huge shopping bag. There are a lot of swag, often free swag. You need something to carry them and all the great stuff you find.

5) Make sure your Mobil device in charged. There are a lot of great costumes and things on display. You'll be taking a ton of picture. Plus many cons have Mobil updates. Side note: bring a charger.

6) Bring food and drink with you. You will be waiting on lines throughout the day if you have snacks and drinks in your bag you don't have to get off the line or waste time getting food, expensive food. Money should go to hunting comic stuff not food.

7) Haggle with vendors. Yes they will make deals with you, especially on the last day, especially the comic and toy vendors. What do you have to lose? Answer: nothing.

8) Talk to artist and writers. They are really interesting people not just attending the con but also sitting at the tables. Many of them enjoy chatting with fans. If you want to get some of your stuff signed they do that to.

9) Take a break. Find a nice quite place and sit for a couple minutes. This is the time to see what you still want to do or if there are any things you still need to hunt down. Oh yeah, USE THAT MAP AGAIN.

10) Enjoy yourself. If you have never been to one, comic cons are a lot of fun. Enjoy it. Did I mention use the MAP!

This weekend I will be hunting at the 1st annual NY: Special edition. The little brother of the New York comic con.

Good luck in your hunt.
Remember to join the hunt.

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