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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Action Comics #1 eBay Auction Ends

It is the highest amount of money ever realized for a single comic book. eBays auction of Action Comcs #1 sold for $3,207,852.

There bidding was hot and heavy at towards the end of the auction, going up hundreds of thousands of dollars quickly, going up $500,000 plus in the last couple of seconds. Couldn't you just picture a couple of millionaires sitting around the computer bidding up this rare comic book.
Here is a look at the last minute of bidding, viewers can not see full bidders id's:

 Winner s**p
   US $3,207,852.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:30 PDT
   US $3,207,752.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:58 PDT
   US $3,207,752.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:58 PDT
   US $2,700,000.00
Aug-24-14 17:58:31 PDT
   US $2,600,000.00
Aug-24-14 17:58:39 PDT

I really just hope that s**p is a real comic book fan.

If you have read this blog before you know we are big fans of Action Comics #1 and you can read all about other popular copies or reprints in our special page "Stories of Action Comics #1"

You can view the auction on eBay.

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