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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Action Comics #1 - USPS Reprint

In previous posts we have looked at other reprints of Action Comics #1 you can view these in our "Stories of Action Comics #1". This post looks at the 1998 United States Postal Service reprint of  Action Comics #1.

This reprint was issued by the US Postal Service on September 10th 1998, to coincide with the release day of the Golden Age Superman commemarative Stamp. The stamp is affixed to a special cover overlay, and cancelled in Cleveland Ohio, home of the creators of Superman, Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster.

This reprint consisted of all 52 pages from the original release of Action Comics #1. The back cover contains  an advertisement for DC comic stamps.

It was originally sold for $7.95 but today prices are range from $50 to a couple of hundred for a CGC high grade copy.

If you can find one of these reprints for a reasonable price by all means buy it. This reprint continues to increase in price.
CGC Graded 9.8

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Skottie Young Marvel Baby Variant Covers

Marvel has been using Skottie Young Baby Variant covers to increase sales on some of their titles and each time it has worked. These variants have become bought highly sought after and each has increased in value.

Marvel is releasing some more Skottie Young Baby Variant covers in upcoming months, all are variants of issues #1's.. So start your hunting for these often hard to find variants.

Along with the variant shown above for Death Of Wolverine: Logan's Legacy #1, the following two baby variants will also be available.

Thor #1

Angela: Asgard's Assassins #1

Friday, August 29, 2014

Captain America Limited Edition Retro-Action Figure Set

Seems like Mego figures as we knew them in the 1970's are making a big comeback, DC comics has had almost the whole line plus new editions released this past year. Now we get a special limited edition Captain America 3-pack to hunt for.

This retro action figure set includes Cap’s 1970s Mego costume, a slightly more modern and realistic costume, a military uniform, and three interchangeable heads that let you switch between Captain America and Steve Rogers. Other accessories include interchangeable hands, a classic circular shield, the original badge-shaped shield, and a booklet on the history of Megos, all bundled in a reproduction window box.
The set will be available March 2015 but it can be pre-ordered now for $69.99 at Entertainment Earth.

Good luck on Your Hunt!

Linda Park on new Flash TV Series

First I am a huge Flash fan , the character is the focal point of my comic book collecting, hunting, gathering and everything in between. Second I have not been closely following the news of the new Flash TV series because I felt all the show was so far away, now that summer is almost over and Fall is nearly here I started watching some of the promos.  I caught the recent Weather Wizard one and was very happy to see Linda Park as a news reporter.

You might ask why was I happy to see Linda Park as opposed to the Weather Wizard or any of the other characters. Answer is simple, one of favorite runs of The Flash was when Wally West took over for Barry Allen and he developed, over time, a romantic connection with Linda Park. To me it was the essence of what made the series great. I wouldn't give to much away to those that haven't read them yet. If you haven't get out there and pick up volume 2 of the Flash series ASAP.

Okay so more about Linda Park as this is why you are here, is it not?

Linda Park made her first appearance in The Flash Volume 2 #28, she was created by William Messner-Loebs. You Canuck up her first appearance for around a dollar. The Wally West Flash series is worth taking a look at, it ran longer then any other Flash series.

About Linda Park
Linda Park was a reporter for Keystone City she regularly cover the Flash and at first really didn't like Wally West. As time went on the two fell in love, were married and had twins.

On Flash TV Series
Linda Park briefly appeared in  the second season Arrow episode "Three Ghost," played by Olivia Cheng. The episode also features Barry Allen rather than Wally West. She is shown on television reporting on the particle accelerator that will ultimately give rise to Barry's fateful lab accident.

So In the comics Linda Park is Wally West wife and mother of his children, hopefully her appearing on the new Flash series means that at some point we will see WallyWest, fingers crossed.

You have a little more then a month before the series starts get out and pick up some Flash comics and keep your eyes out for all the collectibles that will be hitting store shelfs.

Good Luck on your Hunt!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Detective Comics #27 - Bob Kane File copy

Recently we chronicled the Bob Kane File copy of Batman #1 being auctioned by ComicConnect (Batman #1 -Bob Kane File Copy). In that same auction ComicConnect also included the Bob Kane file copy of Detective Comics #27 in their current auction.

As you know Detective Comics #27 is one of the rarest, most sought after comic books ever made. It contains the first appearance of Batman. A copy of it sold a couple of years ago for over $1 million.

The Bob Kane/DC File Copy
Currently ComicConnect, the worlds best online comic auction house, has the copy of Detective Comics #27 used for reference by Bob Kane and DC comics. The low grade given to the issue is a result of it being included in a bound volume at DC offices. You can see the bounding holes along the side.

This issue comes from Batman creator Bob Kanes personal collection. Mr. Kane later gifted his bound volumes to DC comics which they used as their file copy. So what does this bound file copy all mean? Basically this is the specific copy of Detective Comics #27 used first by Bob Kane as a reference point for future work and then held in the DC files as a reference for all later Batman creators. It also means that because it was in a bound volume for so many years it retained much of its color. This copy is all sorts of cool, it was used by Bob Kane the creator and then possible by everyone who worked on Batman for many years after Mr. Kane. It is a one of a kind copy.

This unique copy was up for auction in August, but did not meet the reserve price, I would expect it to come up again or call them an offer some cash for it, ComicConnect Detective Comics #27

You can also call on ComicConnect Batman # 1 Bob Kane Copy, as it to did not meet its reserve. What a dynamic duo that would make to any collection if you could buy both.

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Howard the Duck gets the Funko Pop! Vinyl Treatment

After years of on again off again appearances throughout the Marvel Universe all it took Howard the Duck to get himself immortalized was a small cameo at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy. On the heals of the announcement of the Dancing Baby Groot figure, Funko will also be releasing Howard the Duck.

Howard the Duck will continue Funko’s popular line of Marvel POP! figures. Howard the Duck is the 64th figure. Funko will probably be releasing a larger Guardians of the Galaxy themed line based on this summers highest grossing film.
Date of the Howard the Duck figure  has not been released yet so keep your eyes open.
Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Hal Jordan - The Impossible Justice League Unlimited Figure

I am a big fan of the Justice League Unlimited line of action figures, I collect them with my youngest daughter. Our goal is to get each figure that was produced.  Some figures will be much harder to find then others.
Recently we did a post about the unproduced Aquaman figure. The Aquaman figure was not officially produced, it was supposed to be  but never made it to production. Some samples are believed to exist. The rarest of the produced figures is without a doubt, the Hal Jordan Green Lantern Figure.

The story goes Mattel did not have the rights to produce Hal Jordan as Green Lantern, in the JLU cartoon John Stewart was GL, so collectors would never see Hal Jordan as Green Lantern. Here is where the aha comes in. Mattel did produce a Green Lantern Hal Jordan limited to only 100.

 Mattel had this figure made as a Christmas "Thank You" to the staff at Warner Brothers Animation, DC Comics and Mattel that has worked so hard on the JLU and DC properties all year. Each figure was signed by JLU co-creator and Producer Bruce Timm. The figure is even packaged on a unique holiday-themed card designed exclusively for this figure.

So if you happen to come across one and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg buy it. After you buy it send us a picture, email is best or just buy it for me.

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Action Comics #1 eBay Auction Ends

It is the highest amount of money ever realized for a single comic book. eBays auction of Action Comcs #1 sold for $3,207,852.

There bidding was hot and heavy at towards the end of the auction, going up hundreds of thousands of dollars quickly, going up $500,000 plus in the last couple of seconds. Couldn't you just picture a couple of millionaires sitting around the computer bidding up this rare comic book.
Here is a look at the last minute of bidding, viewers can not see full bidders id's:

 Winner s**p
   US $3,207,852.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:30 PDT
   US $3,207,752.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:58 PDT
   US $3,207,752.00
Aug-24-14 17:59:58 PDT
   US $2,700,000.00
Aug-24-14 17:58:31 PDT
   US $2,600,000.00
Aug-24-14 17:58:39 PDT

I really just hope that s**p is a real comic book fan.

If you have read this blog before you know we are big fans of Action Comics #1 and you can read all about other popular copies or reprints in our special page "Stories of Action Comics #1"

You can view the auction on eBay.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dancing Baby Groot coming from Funko

Since first seeing Guardians of the Galaxy many fans, including me, have been waiting for a baby Groot figure. Well our wish has been granted. Funko will be releasing a Pop Vinyl! version of little baby Groot. 

If you haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, first do,you live under a rock. second at the end of the film there is scene where baby Groot is dancing waving his branches to The Jackson 5's "I Want You Back". Yes it was the cutest scene in the movie and has caught the attention of everyone.

Once we know the exact release date we will update our loyal readers. I also still hope someone makes a solar powered dancing version.

The Clock King on the Flash

We continue our look at the characters set to appear on the first season of the Flash, see the rest on our Flash TV Series Character Guide page.

The Clock King who already made a guest appearance on Arrow made his first comic book appearance in World Finest Comics #111 which hit newsstands in August 1960. He was created by Lee Elias and France Herron. This issue of World Finest is valued at around $200.

First Appearance
William Tockman, The Clock King, battled Green Arrow and Speedy in his first appearance. The story titled " The Crimes of the Clock King" is about the Clock King being successful in a series of crimes, besting Green Arrow and Speedy, until he traps them in his headquarters, where the archers escape his trap and capture The Clock King.

About the Clock King
Born William Tockman, Clock King spends his early years taking care of his invalid sister until he finds out he himself has only six monts tomlive. Hebdecides that before he dies he is going to,provide for his sister. usingnthe correct timing he robs a local bank but is caught by the Green Arrow. 

While in prison his sister succumbs to her illness and Tockman finds out he is not terminally ill. Angered by all this he seeks revenge on Green Arrow.
As the Clock King, Tockman becomes a member of the Injustice League. A team of SuperVillians that are defeated time and again by the Justice League. Clock King later joins the Suicide Squad.

On the Flash Series
Robert Knepper will reprise his role from Arrow. Best know for his role on Prison Break, Knepper joins former PB co-star Wentworth Miller who will be playing Captain Cold.

You can continue to build your Flash TV series collection by picking up a copy of World Finest #111, along with the various other first appearance and don't forget to watch the Flash.

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Spider-Woman #1 Variant Cover - It's controversial!

It has been over 30 years since the original Spider-Woman has had her own ongoing series, which seems like an awful long time to me. Marvel comics is finally righting that wrong, A new ongoing Spider-Woman series is set to premier in November but it is already facing some heavy controversy.

A variant cover drawn by Milo Manara has sparked some age old sexual explotation debates amoung not only comic book collectors but also the news media who have been covering this like it was headline news. It all has to do with the positioning of her buttocks.

The regular cover most of us will get when the issue comes out does not have an issue (See a copy of it below). The opening story arc will see Spider-Woman team up with fellow spider-powered heroine Silk on a mission that spans the multiverse. 

How ever you feel about this controversy one thing will hold true, the variant cover will be very hard to find and based on all the press it is receiving should become valuable.  So if you feel the urge start asking around your local comic shops to see if they can hold one for you. If not get ready to hunt.

Spider-Woman's first #1 came out in April 1978 it was written by Marv Wolfman with art by Carmine Infantino. It is worth a look just based on Wolfman/Infantino combination.

About Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Jessica Drew’s scientists parents dedicated their life's to harnessing the environmental adaptive abilities of spiders by grafting elements of their DNA into the human genome. Prior to Jessica’s birth, Jessica's mother was hit by a laser beam containing spider DNA of several species of spiders. The unborn Jessica took on these traits giving her a variety of spider powers. After her parents disappeared Jessica was recruited by HYDRA under the false pretense of HYDRA was a force for good in the world. While at HYDRA she was trained by Taskmaster in martial arts and the effective use of her powers to become a deadly assassin.

So our advice pick up some of the old issues of Spider-Woman then keep an eye out in November for the new series which should be added to your pull list. If your interested in the highly controversial variant cover you may have some hunting work ahead of you but good luck.

Good Luck on Your  Spider-Butt Hunt

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wonder Woman #156 - Wonder Woman reads Comics

With yesterday's release of Multiversity #1 which has a central focus on reading comics, I decided to begin looking at other issues that also had characters within the issue actually reading comics. We start off with Wonder Woman #156, released in 1965.

In the issue, written by Robert Kanigher and art by Ross Andru, Wonder Woman reads a Golden Age comic book story which portrays one of her old adventures, in which she battled the Brain Pirate. The story also mentions how comic books have become high value collectibles. 

This unique issue can be found for less then a hundred dollars. A CGC graded 9.0 or better is valued at around $300. This is is a great addition to any collection,Wonder Woman actually reading her own comic.

Read more about Multiversity #1

If you know of any other comics that characters read comics please email us at

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Multiversity #1 Variant Covers - Score!

Multiversity #1 hit newsstands today with a ton of fanfare. The issue was released with a regular cover and four variant covers. My plan was to hunt them down to add to my collection but I didn't have to.

Thanks to my regular comic shop, Comic Book Jones,  I was able to score three of the four variants.

Picked up these three:

1:10  B&W Variant Cover by:  Ivan Reis
1:25  Captain Carrot Variant Cover by:  Chris Burnham

1:50  Flash Of Two Worlds Variant Cover by:  Bryan Hitch

This is why it is a good idea to frequent your local comic shop, they take care of their regular customers. 
If you are in the area visit Comic Book Jones or shop On-Line

Hopefully you will have the same luck.

Good Luck on Your Hunt!

Multiversity #1 - Action Comics #1 Variant Cover

Later today when all the comic shops open up one of the most talked about titles will be Grant Morrison's new DC Multiversity #1.  The plan for Multiversity was revealed at San Diego Comic Con ( it was originally revealed in 2012 but has taken this long to hit newsstands).

One of the variant covers is a homage to Action Comics #1, you can read more about Action Comics #1 in our "Stories of Action Comics #1". On the Multiversity variant cover Superman is replaced by Captain Carrot, and there are animals instead of people fleeing the scene.

About The Multiversity
Wtitten by Grant Morrison and bern in deveplment for over two years, this mega series ( bigger then a mini-series) will look at  characters from 52 alternative Earths of the known DC Multiverse! It will cross-over into other titles alongnthe way. Be prepared to get to know the Vampire League of Earth-43, the Justice Riders of Earth-18, Superdemon, Doc Fate, the super-sons of Superman and Batman, the rampaging Retaliators of Earth-8, the Atomic Knights of Justice, Dino-Cop, Sister Miracle, Lady Quark, the legion of Sivanas, the Nazi New Reichsmen of Earth-10 and the latest, greatest Super Hero of Earth-Prime: YOU!
Issue  #1 is pencilled by superstar artist Ivan Reis. the story begins with when President Superman of Earth-23 uncovers a threat to all Reality so apocalyptic ( is this going to led into DC's Darseid War) it will take a superteam made up of heroes from across of the Multiverse to defeat it. On of this heroes is the great Captain Carrot, that is why he gets top billing on the variant cover.
Get ready for a thrill ride only DC comics can bring, so get of your digital device right now and run out and pick this issue up, then send us a photo of you with it. Email us at

Good Luck on Your Multiversity Hunt!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Action Comics #1 - eBay Auction Update

You will surely be seeing more information about this auction in the news, there are only 5 days left and bidding has already gone over $2,000,000. The Nicoas Cage copy which was also a CGC graded 9.0, is the only comic to sold for $2,100,000. Will this one break the $3 million barrier. We shall see.

Keep checking back here.

You can see the auction by clicking on Action Comics #1 - eBay Copy.

Read all about other copies of Action Comics #1 in our special "Stories of Action Comics #1" page.

More DC Comic Halloween/Horror Variants

Last month we gave a preview of the DC Comics October Halloween/Horror cover variants.  Below are the rest of the covers that will be hitting shelves throughout the scariest month of the year.
Hope that you can hunt all of these variant covers down.
You can view last months Halloween/Horror Variants post to see all the covers.

Detective Comics #35
Earth 2 #27
The Flash #35

Green Lantern Corps #35
Green Lantern #35
Harley Quinn #11

Justice League Dark #35

Justice League United #5

New Teen Titans #3

Sinestro #6
Superman/Wonder Woman #12

Some tips on how to get these variants, first ask your local comic shop to hold the one you want for you. Remember these come in much smaller quantities then the regular covers, usually 1 for 25. If you cant get it their check at other local shops. There is one near me in New Jersey that gets tons of variants each month.  If that doesn't work there is always online.
I will be trying to grab the Flash and Green Lantern Corps, like that Black Lantern reference.

Good Luck on Your Variant Hunt!